A bit about the project:
Sanctuary is an augmented reality experience that looks to engage audiences in conversations about climate breakdown, by providing a retrospective look at the extinction of species in the natural world. Set in 2500, in a fictional museum, participants are invited by the Industry for Knowledge and Department for Security to explore some ‘restored digital fragments’ of nature from before ‘the Fall’. As part of the museum’s new exhibition, Sanctuary, participants’ reactions are being monitored throughout and all may not be as it seems…

My involvement:
I concept for this piece struck me when talking to older generations about changes they have noticed in their local environments. Most recall a greater abundance of wildlife when they were younger, which has since declined significantly. I wanted to present this trend in an interactive format, adding some theatre and intrigue to the experience. Having experienced Sanctuary, I hope that audiences go away and think and talk older generations about changes in their local environments and beyond. Hopefully it will also inspire some conversation and action on current worrying climate breakdown trends.
For more information, visit: sanctuary-ar.myportfolio.com